Your donations will help us to pay for the streaming services subscription and a lot of other important things required to maintain our service. At present we are using money from our own pocket and we have limited money, we don’t want to die so early ;(
Hence we request you to donate from the options below to keep us alive.
We only accept donations through cryptocurrencies. [Don’t respond to any person contacting you at first and asking for donations, as all those as scam. Donate only through the below crypto address on our website]
BTC: bc1qyctrjzuwk5mp69f35p3a9xr93pwv5njq9trp9n
ETH: 0x6746C57464e6E19190Ab08D1a4d1dfFf4d3191dB
LTC: ltc1qn5e8fa0860c3dmvcpnqwhjr5ay5f0fdspeg7g5
DOGE: DCHtMSCty4ws2GhSqUkomkWvEEyRZD4hqv
ZIL: zil1egj3pcrx62mkvgdx25dcwgqlww5cvh04mmxqau
Note: For donations $15/month and above, after donating DM Anime Browse Sensei on Telegram along with your transaction hash with the coin name/ticker and screenshot of your transaction to get premium perks and access to our whole DDL cloud server.