
We are sad and extremely sorry to announce that due to lack of funds and resources, we are shutting down our services. Thanks to you all for being with us for 1 year and a month. We had received 0 donations so far and the money which we had in our pocket is already running out, so we can’t continue to maintain our services from now onwards 

The last season of Fall 2021 Anime are still incomplete and will be uploaded soon in our website. And also in our DDL and that will be our last Anime delivery 🙁

Also we would like to announce that, since we didn’t get any donations to run our services, we are opening our DDL services to everyone since the Anime on our website on MEGA will be deleted soon due to DMCA but on our DDL Server it will always be there. So anyone who wants to access our DDL Server can DM Anime Browse Sensei on Telegram to get access.

Thank you for being with us

With Regards
Anime Browse team.

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